邬霈莎(Patricia Wouters)
发布时间:2021年09月29日    作者:    资料来源:    浏览次数:3615



Patricia Wouters(邬霈莎)是武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究所国际水法中心创始主任。邬霈莎教授在国际公法领域有30年经验,专门从事跨界水资源合作领域的研究。邬霈莎教授曾任英国邓迪大学联合国教科文组织水法律、政策和科学中心创始人及前主任,担任全球水伙伴技术专家委员会成员、联合国世界水评估项目专家、Brill国际水法丛书、UNU-INWEH Springer水安全丛书、Kluwer国际与国内水法丛书等权威出版物编委。她在国际水法学界享有很高声望,在联合国等国际组织、国际流域组织和机构有丰富的人脉资源,多年来培养的学生遍布全球,并在其工作经历中展现出卓越的领导能力

教育背景:1980,加拿大渥太华大学;文学学士;法学学士学位;2. 1989,加州大学柏克莱分校。法学硕士,论文:《新加拿大宪章下的比较宪法》,3. 日内瓦大学IUHEI研究助理(L. Condorelli教授;教授l . Caflisch)。4. 1989-1993,国际研究研究生院(IUHEI)和日内瓦大学),高等教育文凭(相当于高级LLM)

1.   1997,日内瓦大学高级国际关系及发展学院(IUHEI)国际法博士

2.   1996,荷兰海牙国际法学院研究员

3.   1993,日内瓦大学高级国际关系及发展学院(IUHEI)及日内瓦大学

4.   1989,加州大学柏克莱分校法学硕士

5.   1980,加拿大渥太华大学文学学士、法学学士学位;


1.   2019至今,武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院国际水法中心教授、创始主任;

2.   2012-2015,厦门大学法学院国际水法教授;加拿大温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学客座教授;武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院客座教授(2013年起);

3.   2006-2013,邓迪大学联合国教科文组织水法律、政策和科学中心法律、管理和政策研究生院创办负责人;国际水法教授;

4.   2000-2006,邓迪大学法律与会计学院国际水法研究所创办负责人(2004年8月起);

5.   1996-2000,邓迪大学能源、石油和矿物法律和政策中心水资源法和政策方案讲师兼创办负责人

6.   1993-1996,德国海德堡马普比较法和国际公法研究所客座研究员






全球水伙伴技术顾问委员会(GWP TEC)委员 (2006-2013)





UNU-INWEH国际顾问委员会委员(2009 - 2013);主席(2012 - 2014)




Reframing Transboundary Water Discourse: Contextualized International Law in Practice, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law (2020) 29(3) (co-author S Vinogradov).

Transboundary Water Cooperation: Principles, Practice and Prospects for China and its Neighbours (Co-editors H Chen and J E. Nickum) Routledge 2018.

International Law -- Facilitating Transboundary Water Cooperation, Global Water Partnership TEC Background Paper (2013).

Sharing Transboundary Waters – An Integrated Assessment of Equitable Entitlement: The Legal Assessment Model, (co-authors S. Vinogradov, A. Allan, A. Rieu-Clarke, and P. Jones) UNESCO Paris, 2005.

The Legal Response to Water Conflicts: The UN Watercourses Convention and Beyond, German Yearbook of International Law 2000, pp. 1-45.

Allocation of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: Efforts at Codification and the Experience of Canada and the United States”, 30 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 1992 (Sir Gerald Fitzgerald prize for best new author).




Professor Dr Patricia K. Wouters

Email: pkwouters@aol.com


1.     Professional Experience and Qualifications


2019-Present- Professor & Founding Director, International Water Law Academy, China Institute for Boundary and Oceans Studies, University of Wuhan, China;
Visiting Professor, School of Law, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.

2012-15 – Professor of International Water Law, School of Law, Xiamen University, China; Founding Director, China International Water Law programme;

Visiting Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada.

Visiting Professor, CIBOS, Wuhan University, China (from 2013).

2006-13 - Founding Director, Dundee UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, Postgraduate School of Law, Management and Policy; Personal Chair / Professor of International Water Law.

2000-06 - Founding Director, International Water Law Research Institute, Faculty of Law and Accountancy, University of Dundee (from August 2004).

1996-2000 - Lecturer & Founding Director of Water Law and Policy Programme, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee, UK.

1993-96 - Guest Research Fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Comparative and Public International Law, Heidelberg, Germany.


2.     Higher Education

1997, PhD, International Law, Graduate Institute of International Studies and University of Geneva.

1996, Research Fellow, Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, Netherlands.

1993, DES, Diploma of Higher Education, Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI) and University of Geneva

1989, LLM, Boalt Hall, University of California, Berkeley

1980, LLB & BA, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada (gold medallist, 1980).


3.     Honours, Awards and Appointments


School of Law, Xiamen University, China (2012-15). Appointed as visiting professor at IRES, University of British Columbia & China Institute of Boundary and Oceans Studies (CIBOS), China (2012).

Invited to various editorial and advisory boards, including Water Lex (2012-13), IWA WaterWiki (2012-13), ANTHEM Water Diplomacy Series (2012-13),

Invited expert on the Rosenberg Foundation Report on the Mackenzie River (2012-13), UNESCO International Symposium Expert Panel (2013), GWP TEC Member (2005-13), UNU-INWEH international Advisory Committee (2009-13; Chair 2012-14), World Economic Forum, Global Agenda Council on Water Security (2009-11), UN World Water Assessment Panel (2009), Expoagua Zaragoza (2008).

Awarded Distinguished Scholar of the IUCN International Academy of Environmental Law (2011) & named Fellow of the International Water Resources Association (2005).


4.     Teaching & Student Supervision


Have taught international water law and public international law to hundreds of students, young professionals and experienced practitioners at universities and institutions around the world. 

As part of my work at the UNESCO Centre for Water Law and Policy, held annual training workshops in international water law attracting visitors from all over the world to learn best practice in international water law and engage with high-level experts.

Supervised more than 30 PhD students and a significantly large cohort of LLM students at various institutions around the world who have gone on to hold positions at numerous international and national organizations and bodies.




5.     Publications


Published over 80 articles, book chapters, policy briefs, book collections and served as guest editor in various special issues on the topic of transboundary water governance and international water law. These publications include but are not limited to:

Reframing Transboundary Water Discourse: Contextualized International Law in Practice, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law (2020) 29(3) (co-author S Vinogradov).

Transboundary Water Cooperation: Principles, Practice and Prospects for China and its Neighbours (Co-editors H Chen and J E. Nickum) Routledge 2018.

International Law -- Facilitating Transboundary Water Cooperation, Global Water Partnership TEC Background Paper (2013).

Sharing Transboundary Waters – An Integrated Assessment of Equitable Entitlement: The Legal Assessment Model, (co-authors S. Vinogradov, A. Allan, A. Rieu-Clarke, and P. Jones) UNESCO Paris, 2005.

The Legal Response to Water Conflicts: The UN Watercourses Convention and Beyond, German Yearbook of International Law 2000, pp. 1-45.

Allocation of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: Efforts at Codification and the Experience of Canada and the United States”, 30 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 1992 (Sir Gerald Fitzgerald prize for best new author).


Chief Series editor:

·       IWA Water Law & Policy Series

·       International and National Water Law and Policy with Kluwer Law International

·       Brill International Water Law book series.

·       A number of collected works and Special Journal collections


6.     Projects, Consultancies, Expert Opinions and Outreach


Consulted and collaborated with various UN Bodies and multilateral institutions, including the UK Department of International Development – Expert Report on Water Rights (1999), Mekong River Commission – drafting supplementary rules on water quality (2005), NATO - Advanced Research Workshop (2004), Swedish Environmental Protection Agency – drafting tripartite agreement on the Daugava River Basin (1999), UNESCO, UNECE & UNEP – Experts Report on Compliance with International Watercourse Agreements (1999), World Bank & UNDP – external legal expert on water law issues in the Nile (1997), among others.

Engaged with public and private sector institutions, including Universities Partnership of Transboundary Waters – founding member, UN Environment and Development UK – expert advisor on international and national water law and policy, the International Law Association – Secretary and Rapporteur to Water Resources Committee (1997-99), and SUEZ Foresight Advisory Committee – selected committee member (2004-06), among others.

Convenor and co-convenor of numerous conferences around the world including the First China International Water Law Symposium and Workshop (2014), Annual International Water Law Workshops in Dundee (more than ten workshops), UNDP/GWP Thinktank Meetings (2009).

Invited speaker at over 100 events around the world, including the inaugural lecture at the Xiamen Academy of International Law – “New Dimensions of the International law that Governs Shared Transboundary Waters” (2006).

Dundee Ambassador Programme