发布时间:2013年12月23日    作者:    资料来源:综合处    浏览次数:19113


中国边界与海洋研究院 教授 






1、Legal Issues for Implementing the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in China, sole author, Berlin: Springer, 2012




Dr Xiaoyi Jiang


Dr Xiaoyi Jiang is currently a Lecturer in Environmental Law at Wuhan University. She holds a PhD in Environmental Law from the University of Western Sydney, Australia and a LLM in Environmental Law from Wuhan University, P. R. China. Xiaoyi commenced her PhD studies at Macquarie University in 2007 on the topic of legal issues for implementing the Clean Development Mechanism in China under the supervision of Professor Michael Jeffery (QC) and Professor Donna Craig and subsequently, followed her supervisors to join the University of Western Sydney. After a doctoral degree was awarded in September 2010, she returned to China to take up the position of lecturer at the Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies (CIBOS). In addition, she is a Research Fellow at the Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University and an affiliated Research Fellow at Social and Environmental Responsibility Research Group, the University of Western Sydney. Throughout her academic studies and career, Xiaoyi have also participated in several national and international organizations and associations. She is a member of the IUCN’s Commission on Environmental Law and a key member of China Environmental and Resources Law Society. Apart from academy, she passed judicial qualification exam and obtained the Certificate in Legal Practice in China in 2005. Xiaoyi is a young legal scholar focusing on research areas of international, comparative and national environmental law and policy. Her research and publications emphasize climate change issues. Since joining the CIBOS in November 2010, which is supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P. R. China, she has taught the course of international environmental law for graduate students and has also given her time to South China Sea issues.


PhD   School of Law, the University of Western Sydney, Australia, 2009-2010

Macquarie University Centre for Environmental Law, Australia, 2007 – 2009

Thesis: Legal Issues for Implementing the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in China

LLM   Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University, P. R. China, 2003-2006

Thesis: Applicability of the ADR in Environmental Dispute Settlement in China

BA    Legal English Department, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, P. R. China, 1999-2003


Areas of Research / Teaching Expertise

International, Comparative and National Environmental Law and Policy; Climate Change; Trade and Environment Law; South China Sea


Grants / Research Projects

Since graduation Xiaoyi has successfully awarded funding for two research projects. These include:

• Postdoctoral Grant (2011-2012) on Legal Issues for Implementing the CDM in China in the Context of Climate Change (20110491193), RMB30,000, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

• 2011 Humanity and Social Science Research Grant for Young Scholars (2011-2013) on Legal Issues for Implementing the CDM in China beyond 2012 (11YJC820045), RMB70,000, Ministry of Education of the P. R. China


In recent years Xiaoyi has also participated as a co-researcher in a number of competitive research projects. These include:

• China CDM Fund Grant (2011-2012) on Key Issues for Hubei Provincial Carbon Trading Pilot Scheme (I drafted the Measures for Implementing the ETS in Hubei Province)

• 2010 Philosophy and Social Science Research Grant for Significant Projects (2010-2013) on Chinese Emissions Trading Scheme in the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy (10JZD0018), Ministry of Education of the P. R. China

• Humanity and Social Science Research Grant on Legal Issues for Carbon Capture and Storage in China under the Context of Climate Change, Wuhan University Social Science Fund

• Zhejiang Provencial Philosophy and Social Science Research Grant (2007-2010) on From Restriction to Cooperation: Evolution of Ecological Civilization and Environmental Governance by Law (07CGFX008YBQ), Zhejiang Provence Sicence Fundation

• National Social Science Research Grant (2007-2009) on A Comparative Study on Soil Contamination Prevention Legal Systems (7BFX046), China National Social Science Fund



Scholarship Granted:

• International Macquarie University Research Scholarship (2007-2009)

• UWS International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (2009-2010)

Selected Publications

English Publications:

• Xiaoyi Jiang, ‘How do Clean Development Mechanism Projects Contribute to Sustainable Development in China’ (2011) 41(3) Environmental Law Reporter: News and Analysis, pp10260-10276

•Xiaoyi Jiang, ‘Legal Issues in Implementing the Clean Development Mechanism in China’ (2011) 4(2) Journal of East Asia & International Law, pp7-40

• Xiaoyi Jiang, ‘The Clean Development Mechanism in China: Existing Problems and Prospects’ in Michael Mehling, Amy Merrill and Karl Upston-Hooper (ed), Improving the Clean Development Mechanism: Legal and Institutional Challenges (Berlin: Lexxion, 2011), pp187-220

• Xiaoyi Jiang, ‘A comparative Study on Implementing CDM Projects in India’, Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment

• Monograph: Xiaoyi Jiang, Legal Issues for Implementing the CDM in China, (Berlin: Springer)2012


Forthcoming English Publications:


Chinese Publications:

• Monograph: Jianwei Zhang, Xiaoyi Jiang & Juan He, Issues for Climate Change Law in China (Beijing: Environmental Science Press, 2010)

• Xiaoyi Jiang & Tianbao Qin, Rules for and Practice of the Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment, Proceedings of the Conference of International Law and Practice of Transboundary Watercourses (Conference Paper, peer reviewed) (2011)

• Xiaoyi Jiang, ‘Tendencies of International Climate Policy and Legal Measures for the Post-Kyoto Period’ in Xiaodong Zeng & Jiwen Chang (ed), Chinese Environmental Law (Beijing: Law Press China, 2011), pp65-77

• Xiaoyi Jiang, ‘Tendencies of the CDM beyond 2012 and Impacts on China’ (2010) 3 Journal of Shandong University of Sciences & Technology (Social Science) (Refereed Journal), pp69-75